Time to MOVE toward the extra mile.
Extra Mile Chaplains.
Extra Mile Chaplains.
Extra Mile Chaplains is a ministry devoted to walking alongside those who want to go the extra mile. Our mission is to support the spiritual and emotional well-being of first responders in STL by providing a relatable, approachable chaplain who builds meaningful relationships, offers consistent care, and integrates seamlessly into their department’s culture and daily life.
Our Vison: To see every first responder in St. Louis equipped with the spiritual strength, emotional resilience, and trusted support they need to thrive in their service and personal lives
After years of personal and professional experience, I founded Extra Mile Chaplains to help first responders move toward what really matters. I’m here to walk alongside you, be a listening ear, encourage you, support you, and offer you spiritual guidance when needed.
— Ron Sweet

Face your Challenges
Work-Life Balance
Difficult managing responsibilities at home and could use some wisdom?
Emotional Stress
Feel anxious or stressed and need someone you can be real with?
Do you lack community? Might not be as hard as you think.
Lack of Spiritual Support
Do you feel far from God? I can help you move in HIs direction.